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Experience Seamless fundraising
with tokenized offerings

  • 1
    Lower your costs
    • Create a Token and raise capital in a few clicks
    • Reduce operational costs with smart contract automation and cut out intermediaries
  • 2
    Access a wider investor base
    • Increase exposure and visibility with a tokenized fund
    • Allow the investor to directly subscribe in your Fund with a few clicks
    • Lower your Fund’s minimal ticket size
  • 3
    Create Liquidity for your Fund shares
    • Enhance your offering’s liquidity with a wider investor base, a lower ticket size and a blockchain powered secondary marketplace
    • Generate Income with every transaction on your Fund’s secondary market
  • 4
    Automate fund administration with smart contracts
    • Eliminate manual processes and reduce errors
    • Improve transparency and accountability with immutable records on the blockchain
  • 5
    Enjoy instant settlement feature
    • Enable faster; safer and more efficient operations
    • Improve cash management with real-time interest payments and DVP settlement for subscriptions and redemptions
  • 6
    Achieve unparalleled flexibility and control
    • Customize your fund to meet your unique needs
    • Benefit from the flexibility, programmability and interoperability of the Ethereum blockchain
  • 7
    Built-in compliance
    • Ensure adherence to industry regulations through programmable compliance features within smart contracts
Take your fund to the next level with the CADMOS asset management protocol.
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